"For every action there's a RIH-action."
I was stunned by this morning's news. R&B golden boy Chris Brown really got arrested! I'm sure you all heard about the 'incident' that ocurred in L.A. last night with Chris Brown. If not, let me bring you up to speed. He was arrested on assault charges and released on $50,000 bail. Chris done put his hands on some 'unidentified female' (Rihanna), leaving her with 'visible injuries' (keep in mind, she is high-yellow). They said Chris 'left the scene' abandoning the Ferrari along with the chick in the car (Rihanna). Apparently, Breezy was able to 'Run it' before the po-po came- but he politely turned himself in: so politely that the officers actually complimented him in bookings. What a good lil' criminal you are, Chris.
There have been mixed opinions on this developing story. Because it's so unexpected, I think many people are forgiving and even empathetic towards the pop-Prince. (I mean, we don't really know what went down, but whatever.) He has that charming, good-boy modern image and is one of the very few R&B-Pop artists that parents can let kids under 12 listen to. Then there are some people who are already making him out to be the 09' version of Ike Turner. Although Chris has never been depicted as the 'eat-the-cake' forcing type, he's already being slammed by the blogs, media etc. As a result, Wrigley's Gum, his most recent endorser, has already suspended Chris' ad-campaign. Hopefully the farmers from 'Got Milk' will cut him some slack.
I'm sure there's a lot of anger, frustration, and hurt feelings which led to the snuffin.' Think about it. They're driving in the car, alone, having one of those 'post-break-up arguments.' Their dialogue leading up to the violence probably went something like this:
(Disclaimer: for entertainment purposes only)
(Disclaimer: for entertainment purposes only)
Rihanna: 'I'm sick of your shit Chris-why can't you just act right!'
Chris B: 'Yo, I'm dropping you off-don't call me no more..'
Rihanna: 'You so selfish-you don't care about nobody but yourself!!!'
Chris B: 'This is exactly why we not together'
Rihanna: 'We not because you always cheatin' on me!'
Chris B: 'What? I said it wasn't me..'
Chris B: 'YOO OO OOO...you need to calm down. I told you IT'S A WRAP..'
Rihanna: 'You said you loved me! Don't these tattoos mean anything to you!!?!
Chris B: 'I'm 19 years old GIRL! You is not my mom!
Rihanna: 'I will punch you dead in your face Chris!'
And then *BONG* she snuffed him: then it was ON. Chris got really pissed and in an effort to restrain her, ended up shaking the shit out of her. I know Rihanna is a fiesty little thang and has a stank-ass attitude (I met her) plus she's Bajan, and you know how some of those West Indian women get down. I've had my personal run-ins with a couple...
We all know that Anna Mae never deserved those ass-whoopings-but this is totally different.
When most people hear about a 'man assaulting a woman' it's automatically the dude's fault. He becomes the 'bad guy.' So now everyone wants to hate Chris. Let me be clear: I'm not condoning him hitting her. No man should ever fight a woman for obvious reasons; but we don't know the dynamics. She is not an angel and I don't think she's a victim. Personally, I think Miss 'Good Girl Gone Bad' had a temper-tantrum and provoked him. We all know Chris is a 'country boy from Tapohonnack' and his mother raised him right. He's not just gonna' beat on his shorty because he feels like it. He may have been just protecting himself and she could have been throwing the bo's, you know?
Well why did he run if he was innocent you ask? Let's be realistic-who is really going to believe him if he said 'she hit me first and I was just trying to stop it.' Please. Although Chris Brown is famous, he is still 1) A Man and 2) A Black man. There was no escaping an arrest-even if Rhianna pistol-whipped him and bust his head wide open.
Something else to bear in mind is they're alleged recent break-up. He dumped her. I mean, I've been dumped before so I know how it feels Rhi-Rhi. It does make you want to fight, cry, and hug that very person.
Yes, they are kind of young to have Ike and Tina moments but, it happens all the time. Nobody is exempt from relationship problems just because they have hit records, Ferraris or dope haircuts. I just hope they don't slap my boy with a jail sentence. Or worst yet, completely snatch his endorsements. I still think that he is a very good role model for the youth in spite of this little incident.
And I doubt Rihanna will press charges-that's still her boo.
And I doubt Rihanna will press charges-that's still her boo.
**I know a lot of you probably don't agree with my view but...
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