'Don't Believe the Hype.'- Public Enemy
Before I go into the post, let me just offer this disclaimer:
I'm BIG on quality.
Be it experience, food, clothing, nail polish..whatever. I hate cheap shit and what I hate even more is overpriced cheap shit.
If you live in the City, you know we've been having a great weather streak (finally). So yesterday after work, I took a stroll down Broadway, en route to a one-year-anniversary party for one of my favorite blogs-StuffFlyPeopleLike.com. Having one hour to kill, I miraculously stumbled across the infamous UK retailer, 'Topshop' which I had been meaning to visit. There was a lot of hype surrounding the arrival of the superstore and I was anxious to find out why...
But after about five minutes, I discovered that the British think that Americans don't know the value of a dollar.
But after about five minutes, I discovered that the British think that Americans don't know the value of a dollar.
For one, the clothes were poorly made-given that, one would think the price-tag would coincide with the cheap-ass shit that was spread over three-floors of retail space, right? Nope. I saw a light blue denim mini skirt with ruffles. Kind of funky-but nothing spectacular. The material was lightweight and flimsy denim and nothing that you couldn’t pick-up from a regular ‘cheap-chick’ store like Rainbow or Strawberry. The retail value: $60.00.
I dropped that skirt like a hot bowl of grits. I couldn't’t believe it. H&M has better quality items than this Euro-trash and they would charge about 40% less for something very similar. This was totally not my idea of a proper British invasion.
I looked at a purple spandex-Lycra blend mini-$50.00. I put that bad boy right back on the rack, REAL quick. 'What the..F?' Was all I thought in dismay. Why were these pieces so much money? I can go home and hand-sew about 85% of these clothes. Were people really going ga-ga over this crap? Some of the things I saw were actually very cheesy-like the silver sequin leggings. The waistband looked like threads were popping out!
Then there was the jewelry...(sigh). A coral-colored shelled necklace that was a ‘V’ shape and covered the clavicle- I liked it, but didn't LOVE it. Again, I'm all about quality (or at least quality looking) items. Although the chain holding it together was the fakest gold I’d ever seen, the design and the shells made it worth trying it on. It looked good on me. Actually, maybe it was me that brought out the best in it. The retail price: $85.00. You already know what I did with that piece of crap.
Yea- these people really are sick.
The styles were trendy, glam, pop-ish but nothing THAT innovative. The fabrics were disappointing, the accessories were decent but not worth the price demand. You can actually buy a QUALITY piece from a boutique jeweler as opposed to some gigantic-fake gold hoops that'll stretch your earlobes to your shoulders. Or a necklace that'll turn your skin green. Now don't get me wrong-I WILL splurge on solid items, but not a skirt that will fall apart after two-washes.
I left 'Topshop'-very disappointed. There was nothing 'Top' about that place.
Finally, I met up with my friend who actually put me on to Stuffflypeoplelike.com and we made our way inside. I got to meet the 'Fly-Guys' who own and operate the site. The vibe was relaxed, open, and sociable. The guys were very hospitable-and VERY fly.
The guys were actually flyer than the girls...(another sigh).
Good time overall and a nice way to conclude a beautiful Monday evening in the streets of Soho. New York can be such a poetic place.
The city certainly has it's share of Fly and UNfly (TOPSHOP) places to frequent, clothes to wear, and people to meet. If you're going to spend your hard earned cash, or your precious time on a person, place or thing, make it worth it your efforts.
Good time overall and a nice way to conclude a beautiful Monday evening in the streets of Soho. New York can be such a poetic place.
The city certainly has it's share of Fly and UNfly (TOPSHOP) places to frequent, clothes to wear, and people to meet. If you're going to spend your hard earned cash, or your precious time on a person, place or thing, make it worth it your efforts.
Live well!