'Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing'- Oscar Wilde
'Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing'- Oscar Wilde
'Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not yet understood.' -Henry Miller
It amazes me how time passes. One second it’s the morning, you blink, then it’s dusk, you sleep and it’s day again. I know ‘time flies’ is very cliché, but it’s so damn true. Yesterday, I turned 23. Just 365 (yester)days ago, I turned 22-and I recall that ‘yesterday’ like it happened today. For some reason, I always come across a cloud of sadness when my birthday arrives. My twenty-second birthday was the loneliest birthday ever. A gloomy haze fogged my spirit. I felt like I couldn’t see where I was going, nor did I know where I wanted to go. As a result, I declined going out for drinks and rejected numerous dinner proposals. Feeling detached, my mental state, and irritable attitude would not have made me very pleasant company. It was like I put myself in solitary confinement but I couldn’t understand why. You may be thinking 'is she mentally ill?' I’m not…or at least I don’t think I am. Simply put, I wasn’t in the mood to ‘celebrate.’ Another year knocked off of my time on Earth, and I still couldn't pinpoint my purpose.
'Yay, 22 and I don’t know what the fuck I want out of life-Cheers!’ No thanks.
Perplexity was something I refused to 'toast' to.
So I drove aimlessly around Manhattan. There was a crisp wind and the sky was dim. I ended up wandering uptown and driving around the upper-east side. It started to rain and the sky faded into a gloomy darkness. The weather was a direct reflection of the way I felt-lonely, cold, and obscure. It was like that very wind was blowing right through the middle of my body. I felt like I needed SOMETHING to look for-something to fill that void I felt. SOMETHING to cover that gaping hole. To top it off, I was still not completely 'over' my ex at the time. The fact that he had not called me on my birthday was like a dagger in my stomach.
So, as a fix for my damaged spirit, I did what any diva-in-distress would do:
Go Shopping.
The shoe department at Marshalls on 125th Street on a Saturday evening was an eyesore. My brown Ralph Lauren loafers were run into the ground, so I thought a replacement pair would make me feel better. Typically I treat myself to something ‘new’ when the birthday rolls around. It’s not necessarily something big or flashy, but just something. When I came up empty-handed, I realized it wouldn’t. But I continued to search the women's shoes wasteland-lost and disoriented. My estranged lover finally reached out during my search for something to fill the gaping hole in my heart. Realizing that I would probably feel hollow and sad for the remainder of my birthday, I drove down Central Park West, parked my car, and sat there: crying.
Now let me fast-forward to THIS birthday.
All in all, it was better. Mentally, I’m in a better place this year. No more lingering emotions or heart strings tied up to be played like a guitar. With a new job and a new outlook on guys, I celebrated with a small housewarming party at my new apartment. Because my actual B-day fell on a Monday, the celebration took place on Saturday. The theme was ‘23 Shades of Pink.’ This was inspired by the idea of bringing in the ‘new’ (birth-year, dwelling, lifestyle) with the most important thing we have:
The décor was exactly the way I envisioned it. Pink-lighting, draping fabric, and carefully placed tea-lights gave it a sensual vibe: think Aphrodite in a Moroccan village. Yet, the chocolate cupcakes, shortbread cookies and pink-cocktail punch created the sweet and innocent balance. Cool people, candles and iTunes filled my space. My friends, my baby-sister, fraternity brothers and sorors all came to show me love. I got dolled-up in a black spandex-tank-mini-dress, fuschia Indian bracelets, baby-pink fishnets, and bright pink lipstick while I played hostess for the first time, in a long time. My hair was fabulous-I got some gift cards (greatly appreciated), had the most delicious red-velvet ice-cream cake, courtesy of ColdStone. People who came through also brought bottles so I ended up with a lot of extra liquor in my crib. The party was not the ‘event of the century’ however, it was enjoyable and relaxing. Definitely better than sitting in the rain, alone, crying and not knowing why.
And just when I thought that black rain-cloud that came on November 17th was left in the past...
It made a comeback.
I don’t know if it was the return of the ‘birthday blues’-the same gloom I experienced on my previous birthday or maybe it was just PMS. Whatever the diagnosis, I felt like shit. I took off of work, stayed home and got my house back in order with the help of my little sister, whom I affectionately refer to as ‘Onion.’ (To be pronounced with a French-accent) My annoyance began at midnight when my phone began blowing up with ‘Happy Birthday’ text-messages. I know this is 2008 and people type and send just about everything the mouth can say. Hell, I do it too-it’s convenient and talking on the phone for hours isn’t as fun as it used to be when I was 15. HOWEVER, ‘Happy Birthday’ is just not something people should express in a text-message. At least NOT TO ME.
I woke up disgruntled to several ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” text messages. The multiple !!!!!!!!!’s made me feel like I was being yelled at. I mean, is it that difficult to call someone on their birthday? I can READ-I know it’s my birthday, but what makes you think I want to read it? Certain things you just don’t say via text-message. It’s just bad protocol-for example, breaking up with your gf or bf … trying to explain why you stood someone up…wishing me a ‘Happy Birthday.’ It’s so lame. I just think that such a personal and supposedly ‘special day’ deserves a phone-call. Even my three-year old niece can just type a message. Maybe I’m crazy, but I found myself getting angry with every ‘Happy Birthday’ I read. Some people didn’t even get a response.
Am I wrong for feeling 'a way' about getting corny text-'happy birthdays?'
I don't know. Perhaps it's anxiety that naturally comes with age. Maybe it's just me busting my brains to figure out if I'm where I should be in life. Maybe it's my internal fears and issues with separation. Or maybe it's the fact that everyone hypes up birthdays and I just don't understand why. Maybe I'll never understand why. But, whatever it is-it always turns out fine and I can only be grateful to see another year.
Thank you Mom for birthing me. Thank you God, for making me. And thank you all who called me and said something to bring some sunshine to the black, birthday-rain-cloud.
And a special thank-you to Shambo. She saved my birthday. Slate+ Home+White Zinfindel+ a good ass DJ= Good times..
'When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.'
Let's face it: we can't like everybody. I'm sure there's at least one person that you can't stand . They get under your skin and you want to slit their throat; or hit them with a big-yellow-bus; or smack them with a sack of nickels. You don’t wish death upon them (I hope) but you just want to do mean things to them sometimes. They are annoying, spiteful and you don’t like them. There is always tension when in their presence. I’m sure you remember the movie ‘Aladdin’-it happens to be my favorite Disney movie. It's the tale of the young, vagabond Arabian boy who has a reverse in fortune, stumbles upon a 'magic lamp,' gets three-wishes and falls in love with a Princess, but not without a struggle, of course. Jafar, the evil 'royal advisor' to the King, did everything in his power to try to kill Aladdin. Jafar was a deceptive, sly and crafty hater and Aladdin the hero-just trying to survive and do the right thing. Like the naive, good-hearted hero We all have, or will encounter a 'Jafar,' or 'enemy' at some point in time.
The building I work in contains a few prominent company's offices. The lobby is beautiful: it has marble floors, Romanesque pillars and towering ceilings-like a New York version of Aladdin's palace. Upon entering this ‘palace of work,’ the guards (doormen) check the servant’s (employees) ID’s. Many ‘Kings’ (CEO’s, CFO’s) are housed under the palace, so naturally, it is their duty to ensure that only loyal servants and welcomed visitors are entering (gotta protect the Kingdom from ‘intruders’).
This is understandable-but what I do not understand is why they feel the need to re-check every freaking time the same people who have been working here for the past 20- years, comes in and out. Gotta smoke a cigarette? ‘ID please.’ Going to grab a turkey sandwich? ‘ID please.’ Going out to breathe air? ‘ID please.’ Your computer caught on fire? ‘ID please.’ Do people just change identities every time they step through the revolving door or what? What is the big deal? I mean, they don’t even really ‘check’ the ID. It could be stolen and they wouldn’t even know. It’s a half-a-second interaction when an employee walks in and flashes it to the doorman. So, why am I making such a big deal out of it? Because-it’s annoying. I have to slow-down, search through that jungle of a purse of mine and recover the little ‘ID holder’ from the deep crevasses, messing up my manicure. I would like to just walk straight to the elevators. Commuting to work in the morning is already a grueling journey-so why add more complication?
There happens to be one doorman, in particular who irks my nerves. He actually looks like a fat-Puerto-Rican version of Jafar, minus the Arab-garb. His grim nature, his abuse of fake-ass authority and even his dark eyebrows all scream vindictive. If I had a magic lamp, I would probably ask the genie to turn him into a little bug so I could step on him. He epitomizes the word ‘jerk.’ I don’t know his name but in my mind, he will always be Jafar-the spiteful doorman who hates on the FreshPrincess.
I often venture out for lunch with my co-buddies (very cool co-workers-actually they’re more like friends now) and I tend to leave my ID in the office. Not always on purpose, but sometimes it is. I just don’t feel like carrying a damn ID with me all the time. It’s stupid.
One day, we happened to be coming back from taking a 30-minute walk around Tribeca and I didn’t have it on me. This has happened several times, and he always says, ‘you need to always have your ID on you’ as if he would execute me the next time I didn't. If he wasn’t such a dick and didn’t take walking around with an ID so damn seriously, I wouldn’t even be telling this story. If he was a little more polite and showed more humility, I would have no problem bringing my ID with me. But he’s not nice, so, I always ignore him, or make a cutting comment and fill out the ‘visitor pass thing’ which takes longer than just flashing the ID. But I don’t care. Who is he to tell me that I HAVE to walk around with a picture of myself with the company’s name below it? He’s not the boss of ME. Not even my mother is the boss of me. So, after filling out the pass he had the nerve to say ‘if you don’t have it one more time, I’m going to tell your supervisor.’
So, the inner-rebel reared its ugly head just because he thought he had dominion. ‘Oh PLEASE,’ I said while storming off and ripping up the visitor pass and tossing it on the lobby floor- similar to the scene in 'Aladdin' when Princess Jasmine refused to marry Jafar. I guess it’s the ‘I’ll show you’ subconscious way of striking back. ‘Who does that bum think he is?’ I asked my co-buddies. A Princess shouldn’t have to carry around ID-for what? I couldn’t believe the nerve of that guy.
So now, when I walk in the doors, and Mr. Jerk-in-a-box happens to be there, I don’t look at him, or if I do, I make sure I look at him like he is the scum of this Earth and cut my eyes extra-hard with my nose in the air. I also make sure I conveniently drop pieces of paper as I’m walking past him as well. Is that petty? Yes-it is. But, again, I don’t care. Ever since he made that idol threat, he has become my unofficial enemy.
What is a mistress?
People just do whatever the hell they want to, and it's generally OK. From sexually exploring other guy's girlfriends to getting pregnant by married men: what a wicked place the romantic world can be! Just think about potential consequences. AIDS is a killer, Karma is a bitch and even R. Kelly got his ass whooped and stranded in the desert for 'jumping-off' with Mr. Bigg's girl.
Is it worth it...?
What’s your ‘type?’ Are you attracted to the intellectuals with a degree and professional clout? Or does the shy and sincere kind of guy tickle your fancy? Are you a leg man? Or are you drawn to dangerous curves on a splendid body? Perhaps, you prefer the domestic diva with a heart as warm as her fresh apple pies. Whether it’s a big butt and a smile, or an outgoing trendsetter who looks like they walked off of the pages of Vogue, there is something you like-your ‘ type.’ My rough definition of a ‘type’ is a set of characteristics that a person possesses that normally sparks our romantic curiosity. Most of us have a general idea of what we normally go for in man or woman. Some like them short, some prefer tall, some are infatuated with big-boobs while others are suckers for a beautiful face or a glorious mane of hair. Whether you consciously realize it or not, there are a pattern of traits which all people that you take or have taken interest in, possess. Take me for instance. I’m attracted to short-stature guys. YES, I’m serious. I’m about 5’6 and I prefer my men to be less than 6’0. Why, you ask? I don’t know. It’s just what I like. There’s something undeniably attractive about short, stocky well-dressed, chocolate complexioned men with dark features. I find myself breaking my neck to look every time I see a guy who fits this profile.
When you’re intrigued by your ‘type’ you just can’t help yourself. Your ‘type’ will stop you in your tracks, and tug on an inner-curiosity. The world seems to slow-down while you scope your ‘type’ in wonder. I’ve seen guys who have looked so good, that I found myself at a loss for words. It’s like being slapped in the face with honey and cotton-candy-that sweet and sudden shock triggers something in you that can't be explained. Guys tend to trip on sidewalks and embarrass themselves when a fine woman unexpectedly catches their attention. I even remember a guy getting into a fender-bender from looking my way a nano-second too long. But when you see your 'type,' you gotta look. You may be in a cocktail party, walking into McDonalds or driving to the corner store-they spring up at any random time, in a variety of places. You blink and all of a sudden all you can see is the sexy body, the school-boy grin, or the ‘je no se qua:’ you have been momentarily plagued by 'type-itis.'
I fell victim to the 'itis' this morning as the 3-train approached
The one-morning that I happened to see Mr. Debonair, I was looking like a dried-up piece of crumb cake. I had my hair in a tight, little bun, with a blue puff-sleeved shirt, some gold-dangling earrings and a black and white checkered scarf. I actually felt self-conscious while I was noting the magnificent details of this fine man. ‘I could have at least put on my eye-liner!’ I thought to myself. ‘He probably thinks I’m some average chick.’ I quickly erased the insecure thoughts and maintained my swagger. What you wear, no matter how superficial this may seem, does speak a lot about who you are as a person-in the same light, self-assurance, confidence, and elegance will always outshine any get-up. I concluded that the guy was ‘polished, stylish, and sophisticated’ all from his attire and his demure. Could I be wrong? Of course. However, the detail and color-combinations of his rig showed that he had an eye for styling, even if he was a jerk.
The 4-train finally approached Utica Avenue, and I glanced at him. Not catching eyes with me, he looked briefly and continued to look straight ahead. We boarded and he was standing by the doors, in perfect eyesight. Despite my disdain for my Wednesday ‘get-up’ I decided to look continue to try to make eye-contact with him. ‘I don’t look THAT bad’ I thought while checking my face in my little pink mirror. I noticed he was holding a book at his right side- which made him that much more alluring. A handsome, short, sharp brother with good skin who reads books?! I had to get his attention; for ego’s sake.
And then, it happened, at Franklin Avenue. The train stopped, the angels started singing, the bells started ringing and the train doors were dinging.
We caught eyes.
He looked at me and I was already looking dead in his face. I don’t know if the moment was suspended in time or if it really was as long as it felt. But, the way my ‘type’ gazed at me, while licking his succulent lips made me think that maybe, I was his ‘type’ as well. I felt butterflies going full speed in the pit of my stomach for a good five seconds when we caught eyes. I got the chills and finally looked down like a school-girl, while he was still looking at me. ‘YES!’ I thought as I felt my heart skip a beat and my pulse rise. I kept looking up at the train map and glanced consistently in his direction. Passengers who got on at the stop were obstructing my view. I watched even more intently. ‘Is he still looking this way?’ I wondered. ‘Damn, I wish they would move,’ I thought as everyone seemed to cover him from eye-view. His neck was turned back towards me and I saw his neatly tapered hairline facing me. Fighting back a girly grin, I was blushing with that nostalgic feeling that my second grade crush had given me 15 years ago. He was definitely looking my way.
'The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living'-Socrates